

Hey yall! I know it's been a while but I've had quite a bit going on. I just got back from visiting Birmingham & Atlanta and I must say the trip really lit a fire under my hind part.
Those who know me personally know that I've been struggling with the decision of finishing school here or moving back to the south to be closer to "home" & that little vacay made me miss TRUE southern hospitality like crazy! I'm definitely considering making that move... I mean the way I see it, there are schools everywhere so my main focus is securing a job & a place to live.
I started this blog as a means to connect with new people, but even above that, to connect with myself on a deeper level so I'll admit that I am absolutely terrified of being that far away from my family. I'm scared that I won't be successful. I'm scared that it won't be all I hope that it will be.. I'm just scared yall!!!
I was talking to my buddy, Nicole, about all of these fears and she looked at me, smiled & said "If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough... I mean you can always come home so Go for it Tierra!!" That's probably gonna go down in history as one of the top 5 best pieces of advice I've received... I love having such inspirational people in my life!
I know I only have like 8 followers right now (lol) but I would love to hear you all's opinions and/or bits of advice on making this move..



  1. You and I are in the same boat...what's a girl to do? I thought about Georgia too...and going back to school. Follow your heart. Ask yourself what YOU want and if you hesitate with the answer then maybe fear is in the way...let go of the fear, ask yourself and trust in the answer to what YOU want to do...change is HARD - but change is good. Just because we are in a comfortable place...doesn't mean we are happy in that comfort. Find Courage, be brave...never say never...You can do anything...Good luck...I look forward to reading more...Thanks for sharing. Hugs. Lola

    1. Oh my goodness!!! Everything you said is so true!! & I've found myself giving that same advice to others but I can't ever listen to myself.
      I'm trying to step out on faith & just go for it.. I've been applying to jobs & such and I've planned another trip to do interviews for school and hopefully some jobs will have called me back...
      I think you should go for it!!!!

  2. I have lived all over the country and I'm currently living in Charleston, South Carolina. Much of my family lives about 50 miles from Birmingham. I've also lived in Jersey and New York and to be honest, I'd rather live in the south. If you're gonna go to school, it's nice to be around family. But it's always nice to be around family regardless.

    My son and daughter are currently attending The University of South Carolina. It's a beautiful campus....for the most part. They both seem to hate school.

    I graduated from Alabama State University a long time ago, but I cherish memory. I enjoyed my time in Montgomery and I wouldn't trade those years for anything in the world.

    Hurry up and go back to school while you still feel like it.

  3. like your blog! what about following each other? :)
